👉🏻 Break Free from Trauma—Explore the Holistic Trauma Reset™

Kristina Bentle - Spiritual Healing


Author, speaker, podcast host, teacher, and life-long learner.

I believe healing from trauma is the path to remembering our true selves, allowing us to fully embrace this life with love.

My story is one of finding purpose in the midst of deep pain, tragedy, and grief—a story of the impact of complex trauma and finding the right tools to heal.

As a child, I survived the chaos of abuse and neglect. These experiences cast a long shadow on me—leading to decades of severe depression and anxiety.

Life continued to deal its harsh blows, each leaving scars etched into my story. At 22, I mourned the loss of my best friend when she passed suddenly in a car accident. And then, at 24, I found myself navigating life as a widow when my fiancè passed away tragically in a car accident.

The weight of grief and loss felt unbearable. I had a foundation of pain that was just compounding year after year.

Everything culminated in a desperate moment. At 29, I was on the brink of ending it all—I survived a suicide attempt.

I spent fifteen years in therapy, and while I made progress, a deep emptiness always lingered. I often felt lost, alone, and disconnected from others, like a tortured soul condemned to suffer. Growing up with a devout preacher for a grandfather, I was raised on teachings of hell and damnation. This made me believe that I must have done something terrible to deserve so much pain.

My life was filled with toxic relationships; every day, I faced chronic illness and chronic pain.

Despite my hardships, I did have success in the corporate world. Being a high-achiever set the stage for my career success. Yet, I constantly battled a relentless imposter syndrome, haunted by the fear of being exposed as unworthy.

At age 37, my life hit bottom when I was diagnosed with a neurological disability caused by trauma. I lost my career, my house, my car; I was essentially bedridden and unable to care for myself. I was forced to decide what I wanted for my life.

At 37, my life hit rock bottom when I was diagnosed with a neurological disability caused by trauma. I lost my career, my house, and my car; I was essentially bedridden, unable to care for myself. In that moment of darkness, I was forced to decide what I truly wanted for my life.

I chose to live, and I vowed to find a way to heal.

With a young daughter depending on me, I was determined to give her a better childhood than I had. I wanted to be the mother she deserved (and that I knew I always deserved).

Something deep within me always urged me to keep pushing.

My life changed when I discovered a holistic approach to trauma healing. With each step, I reclaimed fragments of myself, slowly piecing together a new life—one filled with resilience, more happiness, and inner peace.

Today, with gratitude and strength in my heart, I stand as living proof that no matter how deep the despair, there is always a path to reclaiming your life.

My Passion

I am passionate about living life to the fullest, spiritual growth, and learning as much as possible along the way, and serving. I love strategy and problem-solving.

My Favorite things

I love reading, learning, and traveling. I am a big fan of The Office, 80s movies, and comedy. I feel most at home by the ocean and I dream of traveling the globe.

I aim to

Show up in life authentically with strength and vulnerability. My hope is that I can inspire other women to do the same.

my go-to healing tools

I love bilateral stimulation for stress release and emotional processing. You may periodically see me tapping when I need a little nervous system regulation.

My story illustrates the profound impact emotional trauma can have on the mind, body, and spirit. And I stand as a testament to the transformative power of holistic healing

Year after year, my mental and physical health deteriorated. I found myself dismissed by doctors who insisted that “everything is fine,” leaving me feeling invalidated and unheard.

I spent years desperate for answers, and it took decades for me to realize the glaring gap in trauma-informed healing.

Once the scattered puzzle pieces came together, I was determined to help make the journey easier for others facing similar challenges.

Kristina Bentle

I reclaimed my life, my health, and happiness... and that's when the unexpected happened...

I found my connection to God & Universe.

I knew early on that I didn’t feel comfortable with organized religion. I couldn’t understand why God would be so cruel; it never made sense to me.

Even as a child, my sensitive heart resisted the fundamentalist view of God.

As the years passed, I grew further away from my spirituality and deeper into the pain within my physical body.

In the midst of deep grief and suffering, I felt as though I was being punished and wanted nothing to do with a God who seemed so unmerciful.

Eventually, I turned to Buddhism, where the teachings of love, acceptance, and non-attachment offered me a semblance of inner peace.

Yet, deep down, I always felt like I was hiding and alone.

But as my body began to heal from the effects of trauma, something within me began to shift. I started to feel a true connection to a higher power, and it opened my eyes.

I came to realize that pain and suffering are catalysts for growth.

When we begin to see our lives as part of a Divine plan, we can start to uncover the lessons within our experiences—and that’s a crucial piece of healing.

Since awakening spiritually and consciously, I have become deeply fascinated with understanding how to weave together science and spirituality to deepen our collective healing.

This journey has shown me that true healing is about embracing the full spectrum of our human experience and finding the divine within it all.

My goal is to help more people learn to heal from from trauma so you can fully embrace your truth with courage and love.

I spent decades living in the matrix, feeling constricted, unhealthy, and suffering…

Every single human being has the potential to feel the fullest expression of self in this world. And that comes when you can break free from the physical limitations that may be trapped in your body. 

I would love to help you reconnect with your higher self and create a life full of love, joy, and success.

Kristina Bentle - Signature
Kristina Bentle - Headshot - Childhood Trauma Healing 2

Connect with me and say hello!

Kristina Bantle - White Shirt

Some professional details...

15+ years experience in Personal & Professional Growth

Life-long learner, working towards my Doctorate in human potential

Reiki Level 2 practitioner

EFT energy healing certified

Certified CBT Coach

20 years experience in Corporate Marketing

Fun Facts About Me
Years Healing

I’ve been studying self-help, personal growth, psychology, neuroscience and trauma, and more. I love to learn.

States in US Explored

I travelled the US full-time for 2 years and even live in Hawai’i for 6 months. We trekked over 4,000 miles.

Years in Corporate America

I started my career as an intern for the Cincinnati Reds MLB team and worked my way up the corporate ladder as a VP of Marketing in the MedTech industry.

A Year of Adventure Around the World

For two years, I travelled the US full-time with my husband and daughter—living in our 36 foot RV.

mindful mom