Introducing the Holistic Trauma Reset™
Bridging Science and Healing for Lasting Recovery
The Holistic Trauma Reset™
A groundbreaking approach to healing from trauma based on the science of healing.
Integrating somatic healing, neuroplasticity, and cognitive reprogramming. This method, built on three key components, allows you to fully transform your life. Join us on the path to healing and rediscovering your strength. Start your journey today.
Reconnect to your body.
When healing from trauma the first step is to reconnect with your body. Childhood trauma can lead to a disconnection from your own physical sensations and emotions. Reestablishing this connection is a vital part of the healing process.
Why Reconnecting Matters:
Childhood trauma often results in a sense of dissociation or detachment from your body, this is a defense mechanism. This can manifest as anxiety, depression, or feeling emotionally numb.
Reconnecting with your body is about becoming aware of your sensations, feelings, and emotions. It’s the foundation for healing because it gives your body the capacity and space to move to the next two steps.
Release the biological imprint of trauma.
The next step in healing from trauma is releasing the lasting effects on our bodies and minds. We use somatic healing techniques to help release these invisible scars caused by childhood trauma. Releasing is a crucial and overlooked step in real healing and full recovery.
Understanding Biological Imprints of Trauma:
Traumatic experiences can leave imprints on your body and brain on a cellular level. Trauma is not the event itself; it’s actually the leftover invisible scars. These imprints can manifest as stress responses, emotional triggers, and physical symptoms. To heal effectively, it’s essential to address and release these imprints.
Reprogram your thoughts and beliefs.
In the journey of Holistic Trauma Reset™, the third and final component is the process of reprogramming your thoughts and beliefs. Childhood trauma often leaves a lasting impact on how you view yourself and the world. To heal and grow, it’s crucial to rewire these thought patterns and beliefs.
Challenging Old Beliefs:
Trauma can lead to negative self-beliefs, such as feeling unworthy or unsafe. It can also affect how you perceive the world around you. Reprogramming your thoughts involves challenging and changing these outdated and often harmful beliefs.
Transforming Trauma
through Science.
Holistic Trauma Reset Guide
Why Traditional Methods Fall Short. Limitations of Conventional Approaches
While traditional trauma healing methods have provided some help for individuals experiencing symptoms from complex trauma, it’s essential to understand their limitations, which have led to the need for more holistic and innovative approaches like the Holistic Trauma Reset™.
Focusing Solely on Talk Therapy
Traditional methods often lean heavily on talk therapy, with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) being widely regarded as the gold standard, emphasizing discussions about traumatic experiences.
While this can be beneficial for some, it does not effectively consider the deep biological and physiological imprints of trauma.
Traditional talk therapy can be counterproductive for trauma survivors due to impaired pre-frontal cortex function, the risk of re-traumatization, and limited access to emotional processing regions, making a holistic approach like the Holistic Trauma Reset™ more effective for comprehensive healing.
Ignoring the Body-Mind Connection
Traditional methods frequently overlook the strong connection between the body and mind.
Western medicine, while making significant strides in understanding and treating physical ailments, has often followed a reductionist approach. This approach separates the body and mind, focusing on diagnosing and treating physical symptoms while overlooking the intricate interplay between physiological and psychological well-being.
Childhood trauma significantly impacts both physiological and emotional aspects, meaning this reductionist perspective can pose significant challenges for trauma survivors seeking healing.
Limited Use of Evidence-Based Techniques
When it comes to traditional medicine, practitioners are hesitant to embrace new healing methodologies. (e.g. EMDR, somatic experiencing, etc)
Traditional medical practices are deeply ingrained, with established guidelines and procedures. Doctors are often trained in these methods and are hesitant to adopt new approaches that challenge their existing knowledge and expertise.
Like any profession, the field of medicine can exhibit resistance to change. Physicians may hesitate to depart from conventional practices that have proven effective throughout their careers, even in the face of a substantial number of trauma survivors who still have unmet needs.
Unfortunately, this leads to medical gaslighting of trauma survivors.
Overlooking the Human Element
In the modern healthcare landscape, it’s not uncommon for patients to feel like you’re caught in a revolving door, moving swiftly through appointments and treatments without much consideration for your overall well-being.
This depersonalized approach often results in individuals feeling like they are not seen as whole people with unique needs, especially when it comes to addressing the complex issue of trauma.
Patients are often reduced to their diagnoses and medical history in the interest of efficiency. This can be particularly dehumanizing for trauma survivors, as it downplays the importance of their personal narratives and experiences.
Navigating Trauma Healing within Western Medicine
Lack of Trauma-Informed Care
Finding trauma-informed care can be challenging due to a combination of factors, including lack of training, stigma, systemic barriers, lack of standardization, and the complexity of trauma. This can lead to survivors of childhood trauma not getting the proper care and even receiving treatments that re-traumatize them and worsen things.
Mind-Body-Spirit Disconnect
Western medicine focuses on a reductionist approach to healthcare—doctors are trained to look at the body parts in isolation. This approach has been successful in treating acute medical conditions. However, it fails to serve trauma survivors because it doesn’t account for the mind-body-spirit connection to health and healing. Since it doesn’t address the root causes of illness, conditions continue to worsen. Leaving you with failing health and feeling more disconnected each day.
Quick Fix Approach
Western medicine often relies on a “quick fix” approach to healthcare, emphasizing pharmaceuticals and other interventions that treat symptoms rather than underlying causes. For example, if a patient presents with a headache, a reductionist approach would focus on treating the headache rather than exploring the underlying causes of the headache.
Scattered Information
Finding trauma-informed care has been incredibly difficult to find because of a lack of education, standardization, and limited availability of providers. Most healthcare providers, including doctors and therapists, are not trauma-informed because it’s not formal training. This leaves patients feeling frustrated and desperate to find the right help because you have to piece together the puzzle alone.
An integrative approach
healing backed by science
We approach healing by addressing the effects of trauma on your entire being.
We understand how trauma has impacted your behavior and how you show up in the world, and you can lean into your strengths to heal.
Mind, Body, Spirit
A holistic approach allows you to heal the symptoms of trauma and the root causes to promote long-term healing and recovery.
Using shadow work, we help you turn on the light within, revealing your true self and guiding you toward healing and growth.
Healing from complex trauma is not one-size fits all and we realize that everyone needs something different.
We give you options and also help you find the resources that will work best for you.
I'll show you how
Holistic Trauma Healing FAQ's
Holistic trauma healing is a comprehensive approach that addresses trauma on all levels: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
It recognizes the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit and integrates various modalities such as cognitive techniques, mindfulness, bodywork, nutrition, and energy healing.
This approach empowers individuals to become active participants in their healing journey, fostering self-awareness, self-compassion, and resilience for a profound and sustainable path to recovery.
Yes, somatic healing can often be adapted to accommodate various health issues.
However, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new healing modality, especially if you have underlying health concerns.
Always prioritize your health and safety when exploring somatic healing or any other form of therapy.
The timeline for experiencing results with holistic trauma healing varies from person to person. Some individuals may notice improvements after just a few weeks, while others may require more time.
Factors such as the severity of the trauma, individual resilience, commitment to the healing process, and the effectiveness of the chosen modalities all play a role.
Generally, it’s essential to approach holistic trauma healing with patience and openness, allowing the healing journey to unfold at its own pace.
Holistic trauma healing may be suitable for you if you resonate with the idea of addressing trauma on multiple levels – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
If you’re seeking a more comprehensive approach that honors the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit in the healing process, holistic trauma healing could be beneficial.
Additionally, if you’re open to exploring alternative modalities beyond traditional therapy and are committed to your personal growth and healing journey, holistic trauma healing may be a good fit for you.
While our current focus is on providing trauma healing support to women and mothers, our holistic approach and lessons are applicable to everyone, regardless of gender.
We know the importance of addressing trauma and promoting healing in all individuals, and men are welcome to purchase our programs and benefit from the valuable lessons we offer.
It’s important to note that our community is currently open only to women as we work to establish and grow our platform. However, we do have plans to expand our community in the future to include men and create a more inclusive space for all individuals seeking support and healing.
We had to start somewhere to get our message out to the world, and we started with women because it most closely aligned with our initial experiences and knowledge.