Hello Beautiful Soul

I would love to guide you to heal trapped trauma, embrace your truth, deepen your spiritual connection & more effortlessly tap into the profound wisdom you seek.

From Corporate Conformity to Spiritual Awakening & Alternative Healer

I felt Stuck & Trapped, but Couldn't Understand Why...

I’ve always sensed a deep calling to connect with a profound purpose, yet it was so elusive. At the time, I didn’t even have the words to describe it. It was this inner knowing, a yearning for something more. I often shoved down that feeling and did what I was “supposed to do,” and chased material success.

All the while, I searched for healing by digging into every aspect of personal growth. There came a point when I felt like I was only collecting knowledge and information because it ultimately didn’t help me have that deeper connection I craved.

I felt disconnected from within, and no matter what I did, I couldn’t shake off this feeling of being stuck and trapped.

The pivotal moment came when I began to understand the science of the energetic body and uncovered the transformative potential of cellular-level energy healing. It was then that I shifted from gathering information to experiencing a profound spiritual connection—the connection I had yearned for all along and couldn’t put into words.

I now understand that the energy trapped in my cells disconnected me from source and the journey to awakening was just as much biological as it was spiritual. And this discovery has led to profound inner peace, joy, and resiliency that I never was able to even dream of before.

Hello there,

I'm Kristina ✨

Welcome to a space where raw, unfiltered truth and authenticity allow healing stories to unfold…

Most of my life, I have felt like an outsider.

Honestly, I still see other teachers and coaches online with beautiful websites and stories of their struggles, and I just don’t feel like I can relate.

You see, my life has been messy…

And I don’t say that to be dramatic or even to downplay the struggles of other online coaches…

I am highly sensitive mentally, emotionally, and energetically, and I have experienced more trauma in this lifetime than most.

I spent my life chasing success, climbing the corporate ladder, desperate to feel purpose, connection, and meaning. All the while, I struggled with near-constant anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and imposter syndrome.

I felt alone, lost, disconnected, and always on the edge of burnout. I just never felt like I fit in.

It felt like I wasn’t built for this world—and eventually, my body paid the price.

Being so disconnected from my intuition and trying to listen to advice from coaches who were nothing like me led to more pain…. they didn’t know what it was like to feel like a 90-year-old stuck in a 30-year-olds body.

They didn’t know what it felt like to feel like an alien living on a foreign planet.

I desperately yearned for a deeper understanding of my purpose, a sense of connection, and meaning.

I had been practicing mindfulness and studying Buddhism for a decade and felt drawn to share. So, all of this led me to leave the corporate world and start my own business helping women reduce stress. 

While I was feeling a little closer to my purpose, deep down, I still felt “off.” And my physical health was making it hard to show up for my clients…

You see, for decades, my health was failing with a new diagnosis every few months. Endometriosis, Hashimoto’s, IBS, Fibromyalgia, myofascial pain syndrome, chronic pain syndrome, degenerative disc disease, GERD, and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, just to name a few!

Yet, despite the physical and mental pain, I kept pushing through, still chasing career and financial success.

Then, two years ago, my body essentially shut down, and I became bedridden; eventually, I was diagnosed with a neurological disability (Functional Neurological Disorder).

AND this was after 15 years of personal growth!!

Yes, after 15 years of intentionally working to heal… my body and mind was getting worse, not better. I couldn’t understand it! And neither could Doctors….

“All the tests are fine.” I heard over and over again from medical professionals.

I had pursued so many healing modalities, including traditional talk therapy and medication to Reiki, yoga, Kundalini, and so much more.

Despite all of this, my anxiety and depression were always lingering, and nothing I did made a huge impact on my health.

I didn’t know what else to do.

I daydreamed of running away to a commune or monastery in  Nepal to become a monk.

Finally, I met a Doctor who helped me understand the impact of emotions on the body.

Which led me to begin exploring the science of healing the energetic body.

Today, I can hike (I’ve never been able to do that before). My chronic pain is improving every day. I am happier than I ever thought possible, and I feel profound inner peace. (And I want everyone else to feel it too!)

My anxiety is nearly gone, and I have found a deep connection to my higher self—everything that had alluded me for decades.

It’s not magic… well, maybe it is… It’s science.

When I pieced together the science of healing, it felt like I was handed the instructional manual for spiritual awakening, inner peace, and flow—and raising the collective consciousness of this planet.

I would love to be your guide to restoring balance and harmony in the physical, mental, and emotional bodies so you, too, can access states of expanded consciousness and restore energetic flows of the body that you yearn for.

Kristina Bentle - Signature

Coming Soon...

Getting Unstuck: Heal your energetic body & align with your higher self

Have you felt like you’ve spent years trying “all the things” in your healing journey, and deep down still feel disconnected, lost, and alone? I did, too. My personal growth journey felt like I was collecting so much knowledge and information, yet something was always off deep down. I finally was able to experience true healing, connection, and inner peace when I began to understand the science of healing my energetic body. If you are interested in learning more and want to work with me, sign up to stay up to date… I have something new coming soon.

Want more info?

When you heal your energetic body, you unlock the door to spiritual connection, physical healing, mental well being, abundance, and joy.

Discover the Science of Spiritual Healing

Tap into Spiritual BioEnergetic Harmony

BioEnergetic harmony means finding balance within ourselves and with the world around us. It’s about being in tune with our inner rhythms and needs while also respecting the interconnectedness of all life. Ready to learn more?
Kristina Bentle

Let's Create More Alignment Together

I hid and masked my true self for most of my life, often without even realizing it. I didn’t understand it yet, but our energetic body plays a significant role in shaping our reality—most of it subconsciously.

And when trauma and negative energy become trapped, it thickens the veil and keeps us from connecting with source.

I used to worry that people would think I was crazy if I shared all of this openly… I grew up with some deeply religious family members, working in corporate America, I am studying to be a neuroscientist, and living in the heart of the conservative Midwest!

However, once I released the energetic blocks holding me back, I realized that I no longer needed to prioritize others’ opinions.

I have such a deep connection with the love and beauty of the world that it has given me a whole new perspective on living with authenticity.

Embracing this connection has allowed me to step into my truth and live in alignment with my values and beliefs.

embracing the law of duality

For healers who are healing

Are you a fellow healer on a journey of self-healing to unlock your full potential and contribute to elevating collective consciousness?

Do you sense you came to this planet with a profound mission, yet it’s been challenging to fully connect with that purpose? 

Do you sometimes waver in your belief of a higher power because you struggle to feel connected? I get it.

I believe that of us choose to incarnate on Earth to contribute to the collective awakening. In doing so, we also seek to expand our soul’s spiritual growth and evolution.

The lessons we choose to experience in this life (we choose the lessons, not the actual events and how the lessons are manifested) are meant to be stepping stones meant to guide our soul’s evolution. 

These lessons are meant to teach us to remember the interconnectedness of all beings and the universe itself. 

Kristina Headshot

We are not separate from each other or from the divine source. We are all fractuals of the same infinite consciousness, each experiencing existence uniquely.

When we reawaken to this truth, we begin to see beyond the illusions of the veil. We recognize the interconnectedness of all life, the inherent beauty of every soul, and the power of love to transcend boundaries and unite us in harmony. Yet, the energetic blocks created in the human form can keep us from this truth.

The Law of Duality reminds us that everything in our universe exists on a continuum, each aspect paired with its complementary opposite. As spiritual beings living in a human experience, we are prone to getting stuck on one side of this spectrum, missing out on the full experience.

Pain is a potent catalyst for growth, yet it can become a barrier when it becomes trapped energetically. Healing our energetic body is the key to transcending this limitation. It enables us to fully embrace the Law of Duality, moving from pain to wisdom, fear to unwavering courage, and limitation to freedom.

Kristina Headshot

Imagine a life where you...

Ease physical pain naturally

Learn how your energetic body can lead to physical pain including chronic pain and fatigue, and discover techniques to heal.

Connect deeply with your purpose

Align with your true calling, and discover the path that resonates with your deepest passions and purpose.

Transform Relationships

Navigate even the most complex relationships with confidence and resilience, fostering a deeper connection with those you care about.

effortlessly connect with source energy

Operate from a place of balance, joy, peace, and connection to the infinite source.

Set Clear Boundaries

Assert boundaries as an act of self-love, which allows you to create space for more healing, growth, and happiness.

Grow your business through flow & alignment

Thrive without compromising your well-being, as you prioritize self-care and implement healthy boundaries without guilt.

break through to the next level of healing

Kristina - Headshot

We're not Meant to Conform...

If you’re reading this, you are like me… we aren’t meant to conform to this matrix, and the more we try to force it, the more misaligned we feel.

I spent a long time trying to fit neatly into the mold, but my soul just couldn’t do it. This intention led to a lot of internal pain and suffering as I was living in survival mode.

I was running my healing business based on the way society said I should. I was listening to motivational speakers who were telling me to hustle. I was taking the medication prescribed by Doctors without questioning. I listened to everyone else instead of tuning into my own intuition and needs.

Struggling to serve my clients, I felt overwhelmed, at times resentful, and unsure of what to do differently to improve the situation. I just wanted to help and be of service. All the while, my body hurt more and more, my mind was always running, I was anxious, and I struggled to prioritize self-care.

I was deeply out of alignment—and no amount of chakra healing, Qigong, Akashic record readings, essential oils, meditation, etc. was bringing me into alignment.

“Kristina is a great combination of encouragement and practicality who brings serious results. ”

Just as birds are not meant to be caged, souls are not meant to stay confined to earthly limitations. When you remove the energetic veil within and remember your boundless potential, you will soar far beyond the illusions of this planet.

Kristina - Headshot

What happens when you bridge science and spirituality?

Embracing science is not only about comprehending the mechanics of this world; it’s also about discovering the path to profound spiritual connections. By understanding the science of human biology, trauma, and energy, we can create a roadmap to transcend physical limitations, cultivate inner harmony, and experience the deeper sense of interconnectedness that we yearn for.

Heal your body, and everything else will follow.