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Mindful Evolution

12-Week Cohort Program

Reclaim your life & take your trauma healing to the next level.

Have you dedicated countless hours to reading self-help books, listening to podcasts, attending therapy sessions, participating in seminars, and going on retreats, only to find yourself still feeling stuck? I get it because I was there myself for a long time. It felt like I was gathering information, and while logically, I understood it all, it didn’t necessarily help ease the pain and anxiety I constantly felt. I didn’t want to depend on medication to help me cope with daily life, and deep down, I longed for a life where I wasn’t just surviving; I dreamed of thriving, but it seemed unattainable.  Everything changed when I discovered the science of trauma healing.

Join me on a 12-week journey towards holistic healing of mind, body, and spirit, allowing you to return to a state of wholeness.

Unlock Transformation: Heal your Body, Mind, & Spirit from the Impact of Trauma

does this sound like you?

You’ve been working to heal, you dream of more, but you continue to struggle—You are ready to break through your own ceiling.

I see how you’ve been grinding SO hard to get through each day carrying the weight of your trauma. You are recognizing how it’s impacting your kids and your relationships, and you’ve been exploring healing tools, but you know you need more.

mindful evolution program

3 Keys to Healing


Safe, supportive, and understanding community that empowers YOU.


Understand what's holding you back so you can actually take effective action.


Guidance to find the tools you need, so you can stop guessing, and focus on healing.

You are ready for so much more

You are strong and courageous, you are ready for a clear map to help uplevel your life, career, and relationships. You're ready to...


To embrace your self-worth, set boundaries, and ask to have your needs met.​


Feel happier & less anxious. To find joy in your day and stop worrying constantly.


Bounce back from challenges more quickly and let life flow more easily.​


Take charge of your life instead of feeling like life is taking charge of you.​

Taking this step forward means...

And every moment you wait, it’s costing you…

Picture this...

You’re at your favorite spot, sipping your morning coffee.

You’re not just starting your day; you’re stepping into a community that’s like a warm embrace.

You feel the connection with like-minded individuals, the hope that comes from shared experiences, and a sense of safety and support that’s as reassuring as a trusted safety net.

It’s the empowering, positive atmosphere where you know your journey is not a solo expedition but a shared adventure toward a brighter future.

As a result...

You embracing each day with a newfound energy and hope. 

You show up with confidence, no longer hesitating to ask for what you need, because you’ve discovered that your voice matters. 

You navigate life with greater resilience and enthusiasm.


healing from complex trauma


I'm Kristina

I’m thrilled you are here.

It means that you are ready to embrace life and experience more for you and your children.

I understand that finding a new path toward healing can bring a mix of excitement and uncertainty. 

You may be wondering… Is a brighter future even possible? Is it worth taking a leap of faith to lead a happier and pain-free life?

I spent 15 years in therapy, taking anxiety & depression medication—I was essentially just existing, not truly living.

I felt like I was merely biding my time, waiting for something more meaningful and desperately hoping that life would change. 

It all changed when my health began to decline rapidly…

I found myself at a crossroads. I could find the courage to seek answers or accept a life confined by the limitations of my body and mind.

In my quest for healing, I discovered more than I could have ever imagined—a path not just to live but to thrive. 

Now I’m sharing it with you. A holistic approach to healing, mind-body-spirit.


Mindful evolution program


awakened mom life course content

micro lessons for busy women

Designed for busy women, our online courses provide accessible navigation through the science of trauma healing. Each lesson is conveniently crafted to be 15 minutes or less, fitting seamlessly into your schedule.
meditation library

somatic healing library

A library of healing to help you reconnect to your body. Discover a wealth of tools, exercises, and insights designed to foster a profound sense of well-being and promote a harmonious connection between mind and body.

PRIVATE community

Connect with like-minded women in our private Circle Community. Share experiences, gain valuable insights, and find support from a welcoming community dedicated to healing and personal growth.

journal prompts

journal prompts

Harness the power of self-expression with our thoughtfully designed journal prompts. These prompts are your key to unlocking deeper insights, fostering self-awareness, and nurturing your healing journey.

monthly BREATHWORK Series

Each month, you are invited to an hour-long Breathwork for Emotional Release session. This deeper dive is a great reset for your nervous system and helps cultivate emotional well-being, providing a rejuvenating space for self-discovery and healing.

group somatic healing

Once a week, you are invited to a 1-hour live community somatic session. Experience the power of community and connection and connect with like-minded women.

This is for you if...

This isn't a fit for you if...

bridging science & healing for lasting recovery

The Holistic Trauma Reset™

Our entire program is built this proven science based approach. This groundbreaking methodology to healing from trauma is built on three key components that guide you on a journey of transformation.

trauma healing - reconnect


Reconnect to your body.


Release the biological imprint of trauma.

trauma healing - reprogram


Reprogram your thoughts and beliefs.

Unlock your full potential

Mindful Evolution program

A program for women healing from complex trauma.

• Explore how trauma reshapes your brain, influences your behavior, and learn actionable steps for healing.

• Discover the symptoms of childhood trauma in adulthood and how you can finally heal.

• Explore the science of creating long-term change by re-wiring your brain using neuroplasticity

• Re-discover your true self and learn to embrace the life you deserve

• Learn why you struggle with relationships and how to build trust safely

• Create balance in your life and set boundaries

• Discover how to face your fears wthout your body and emotions hijacking your life

The Details

Mindful Evolution Program

  • 12-Week Group Program
  • Online Digital Course Material
  • Three 30, Minute One-on-One Coaching Calls
  • Weekly 1-hour Somatic Healing Session
  • Monthly 1.5-hour Breathwork Session
  • Private Community
  • Unlimited voice messaging support in the community

a trauma-informed safe space

Take your healing to the next level

Our next cohort starts soon

Mindful Evolution Program

12-Week Cohort

Save your seat for the next cohort, estimated to start Spring-Summer 2024. Each cohort is limited to a max of 6 students to keep the learning experience personalized and interactive.

Make a deposit to save your spot

$555 Deposit, Total Investment $2,222

trauma healing

Frequently Asked Questions

What is holistic trauma healing?

Holistic trauma healing is a comprehensive approach that addresses trauma on all levels: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

It recognizes the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit and integrates various modalities such as cognitive techniques, mindfulness, bodywork, nutrition, and energy healing.

This approach empowers individuals to become active participants in their healing journey, fostering self-awareness, self-compassion, and resilience for a profound and sustainable path to recovery.

What is Somatic Healing?
Somatic healing focuses on the body’s role in processing and releasing trauma. It involves techniques that help individuals reconnect with their bodily sensations, emotions, and experiences to promote healing. By addressing trauma stored in the body, somatic healing aims to release tension, restore balance, and promote overall well-being. Techniques may include breathwork, movement practices, body awareness exercises, and hands-on modalities like massage or acupuncture. Somatic healing recognizes that trauma is not only stored in the mind but also in the body, and by addressing both, individuals can experience profound healing and transformation.
Can I do somatic healing if I have health issues?

Yes, somatic healing can often be adapted to accommodate various health issues.

However, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new healing modality, especially if you have underlying health concerns.

Always prioritize your health and safety when exploring somatic healing or any other form of therapy.

How long does it take to see results with holistic trauma healing?

The timeline for experiencing results with holistic trauma healing varies from person to person. Some individuals may notice improvements after just a few weeks, while others may require more time.

Factors such as the severity of the trauma, individual resilience, commitment to the healing process, and the effectiveness of the chosen modalities all play a role.

Generally, it’s essential to approach holistic trauma healing with patience and openness, allowing the healing journey to unfold at its own pace.

Is The Holistic Trauma Reset™ suitable for everyone?
While The Holistic Trauma Reset™ can benefit many individuals, it may not be suitable for everyone, particularly those who are not ready or willing to engage in deep inner work. Additionally, individuals with certain medical conditions or severe psychological symptoms may require specialized care and should consult with a healthcare professional before beginning holistic trauma healing. It’s essential to assess individual needs and preferences to determine if holistic trauma healing aligns with one’s goals and circumstances.
How do I know if holistic trauma healing is right for me?

Holistic trauma healing may be suitable for you if you resonate with the idea of addressing trauma on multiple levels – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

If you’re seeking a more comprehensive approach that honors the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit in the healing process, holistic trauma healing could be beneficial.

Additionally, if you’re open to exploring alternative modalities beyond traditional therapy and are committed to your personal growth and healing journey, holistic trauma healing may be a good fit for you.

Do you only help women with trauma healing?

While our current focus is on providing trauma healing support to women and mothers, our holistic approach and lessons are applicable to everyone, regardless of gender.

We know the importance of addressing trauma and promoting healing in all individuals, and men are welcome to purchase our programs and benefit from the valuable lessons we offer.

It’s important to note that our community is currently open only to women as we work to establish and grow our platform. However, we do have plans to expand our community in the future to include men and create a more inclusive space for all individuals seeking support and healing.

We had to start somewhere to get our message out to the world, and we started with women because it most closely aligned with our initial experiences and knowledge.

What is your refund policy?
If for any reason you are not happy with your experience, I do offer a refund within the first 2 weeks of the program. If you were to cancel in the first week, I would do a full refund minus a $100 service fee to cover administrative costs. For cancellations in the second week, the refund would be minus $200 to account for the service fee. After the completion of week 2, I do not offer a refund as you’ve had ample time to experience and assess the value of the program. However, I’m always open to hearing your feedback and suggestions for improvement. Your satisfaction is important to me, and I’m committed to making sure you get the most out of your experience here.

Have more questions?